Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Easy Pizza Dough

1 TB yeast
1 tsp sugar
2 TB oil
1 c warm water
1/4 tsp salt
2 c flour

Mix the yeast with half the flour (1 cup), sugar and salt. Add really warm water and oil. Mix, adding flour, until velvety. Let raise (in a bowl covered with a towel) and punch down. Roll out onto pizza pan or cookie sheet.

This is definitely a family favorite! We cook our pizza on a cookie sheet, but if you have a pizza pan or if you want to do smaller pizzas for "personal pizzas" that's fine too. Once you roll out the dough, cover it with spaghetti, marinara, tomato, ranch or pizza sauce. Then top with cheese (we usually use cheddar because that's what we have on hand) and fixings. Our personal favorites are pepperoni, sausage, breakfast bacon, or chicken. We use ranch and chicken to make a yummy pizza. I'm not a veggie person, but if I were I would add peppers, olives, artichoke hearts, onions and the like.

Bake at 400* for ten minutes.

Enjoy! Pin It

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